This Is My Inheritance

Photo by Franziska Krokodille

Hello my dear friends and family,

I have been living in Vezenobres, France for 2 months and 19 days now. Oh, where to begin: I  know I have stepped into a promise from my Heavenly Papa and all I can do is receive. I’ve stepped into my inheritance, His goodness, my healing, His freedom and LOVE. I’ve stepped into more than I could dream of. Since arriving I have become apart of not only a Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base, but a home and a family.

I had no expectations coming into this school because I honestly didn’t know what to expect! (I recommend doing this) but wow, God knew. From the first days I arrived I was able to attend the YWAM France Staff Conference where on the first evening of the conference John Dawson the guest speaker spoke about our inheritance and that as we live a life fully abandoned to Jesus, we step into all that God has for us. But the question kept circling in my head:

“What was my inheritance?”

“One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.” 

Psalm 27:4, AMP

As the school began I quickly realized I was no longer in control of what was happening in my heart, mind, body and spirit. It’s a beautiful mess to not be in control. To let God do whatever He wants; whenever He wants to do it. To have such intense encounters with His Holy Spirit that you can barely get off the floor. To ask for healing and receive it.

See, this is a worship, intercession and prophetic training school. But I didn’t put all the pieces together before I came. God desires for me to learn to speak with boldness prophetic words, sing spontaneous songs, stand in the gap and change history for people and nations, lay hands and see healings, miracles, signs and wonders before my very own eyes. “Greater works than these…”

What I didn’t put together was that in order to walk fully in my true identity God has for me- He would begin to dig and pull out the pieces inside of me that needed to go. He would place me with a family here in France, He would give me spiritual fathers and mothers who would know how to gently speak wisdom, direction and correction into me. He would allow me to cry, scream and laugh until I thought my stomach couldn’t handle it anymore. To begin to describe the feeling of a river flowing straight from the throne room in heaven into my heart, the power of peace flooding my whole body. A family who surrounds me during my weakest time. All I can do is receive. I realized no matter how much breakthrough happens inside me there is always more. For we were made to go from Glory to Glory and so I will continue to open my heart and recieve this love that my Father is just pouring out in buckets over me. Can you see it?

This is my inheritance. 

As this whirlwind of healing, restoration and revelation begin to stir up our hearts and minds and the love of Jesus consumes us. We go out. First stop, The Rock of Gibraltar for YWAM Feast of Tabernacles. Where we had intercession and worship night and day. During this trip several of wanted to go over to Ceuta, Spain which is the very tip of North Africa. Here we met up with a local church that had been faithfully serving the hundreds of refugees that are crossing the Moroccan border trying to get into Europe. We walked through the streets with the wife of the pastor we met up with and the authority, love and grace she carries. This is the love of the father. What an honor and encouragement it is to meet so many people interceding and serving the nations.

Our leader here Henning Schikora is the founder of OCE – Operation Capitals of Europe.  We headed to Copenhagen, Denmark and were able to partner with the leaders of prayer houses and global prayer movements. Some of us were able to go in and pray and prophecy over the Prime Minister as well as one of the mayors here. We were given a private tour of the parliament by one of the mayors of Copenhagen. As the tour came to an end we asked if we could pray and prophecy over him. In this moment he becomes just a man.  A man who needs to hear the voice of God. A man who is the only christian in his political party. In this moment, the room goes silent as the presence of Holy Spirit fills the space and Henning begins to speak to the soul of this man. This is it! This is what it’s about! To speak forth LIFE! WISDOM! LOVE!


This is my inheritance. 

So here I am. It’s our last full month of the school. I have received more than I thought was possible to receive and I have given more than I thought I ever could. This is the love of my Father. This is the power of Holy Spirit. I will continue to open my heart and I will continue on in boldness. Not through striving but through surrender.

“You can’t shut up a song that’s been singing for ages. It sings through us when we join our voices with heaven. With the open heaven that’s with us, around us, beyond us, beneath us, everywhere. When we join with heaven we tuck ourselves into the song of ages, a song of hope, a song of offensive joy… The song of laughter that’s medicine it heals hearts and offends minds. Love does that. It heals our hearts and offends our minds in the process and all we want is more of it.”

Amanda Cook



Gloria Ann

Thank you for taking the time to read this. For loving, supporting, and praying for me during every season that God is walking me through. If you would like to partner with me during this upcoming year there are a few ways you can:

It will be approximately $800 a month while living on base in France. That is including: housing, food, travel etc.

1. Monthly Financial Partners – You can give an amount of your choice monthly for the yea

2. One-time Donation Partners – You can give a one time donation to help support me in whatever area you feel led.

3. Prayer/ Intercession Partners – This group is interested in being a part of what I am doing and joining with me in prayer for His Kingdom to come and will be done! This group is by far the most important because without a team of warriors behind me it can be hard to be in ministry. Being covered in prayers is the most important gift I could ask for from you!

4. Email list – Just want to hear more about what I am doing? I can add you to my email list where you will receive a personal updates during my ministry time in France

If you would like to become a ministry partner on any level please contact me and let me know. My biggest need currently is for monthly financial partnership, so if this is a possible option for you and you feel God leading you to give I encourage you to choose this option!

Intimacy with The Archer

Dear friends and family,

I apologize for the months that have gone by since my last update/blog. But here we are! I am back in sweet home Alabama and in awe of all God has done in my life the past three months I was in Israel; I don’t even know where to begin.

Honestly, it has been three of the most intense months I have ever been through. I have given up relationships, been sick and felt completely alone. But I have never felt closer to God, never felt closer to His love, peace, and comfort than during this time in my life. I have never been more focused, more in love and in awe of God’s faithfulness and provision. He loves me. He knows me. He’s my best friend.

I knew what wanted going to Jerusalem: to establish my ministry as a missionary from a place of worship and intercession, to grow in intimacy with God and love His people and Holy Land. But I had no idea what HIS plans for me would be. What gifts He wanted to give me. That He would strip me until there was nothing left, and then heal each part of me. Parts I didn’t even know needed healing. I didn’t know that He would restore me. Make me whole. Make me new. I didn’t know that in the process of me interceding for His people, land and heart. That He was interceding for me.

I learned that the Jews are His beloved. The Arabs are His beloved. Jerusalem is His beloved. His heart longs for their eyes to be opened. To SEE and KNOW Jesus as the Savior and Son of God. The importance of Israel is something we cannot ignore or deny anymore. That’s where it all began; it’s where it will all end. I’ve learned this. I’ve been able to play a  tiny role in this time. The honor it was to intercede and worship IN Jerusalem. To have been sent out from Jerusalem into the nations with the Key of David placed on my shoulders. (Revelation 3:7)

I learned intimacy with God is not something you have to travel to Jerusalem, Israel to find and understand. (although, it helps 😉 But it’s something you receive when you give everything to Him. Your dreams, your life, your past, present and future. When the only thing you want is His will. His love. His attention and affection. When He is the ONLY thing you have left. You can give him everything at anytime. Obedience isn’t difficult, I just didn’t trust Him enough. I didn’t realize that when I gave up everything He had things waiting for me that I could have never imagined.

Which brings me to now:

God has called me to move to Cevennes, France for 1 year

Yes. This is what I’m talking about. I never imagined this!!! I will be going back with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) to do a 3 month Worship, Intercession and Prophetic school where I will be challenged and discipled in those areas. After the school, I will be joining the staff at YWAM Cevennes where the focus will become more governmental intercession. I will be traveling with the director from the base and a small team to different capitals of nations in Europe, where we will then go into government buildings and pray, prophecy and love on the government officials there. (WHAT EVEN?!!) The whole “God qualifies the unqualified” is REAL GUYS!

I am completely overwhelmed. In awe and just thankful because God really knows me. Really loves me and really wants everyone to know this same love and life of complete abandonment for His name.

So, there you go. I can’t believe this my life either. I’m not worthy. But His blood has made me worthy.

I’ll end with this. Something a teacher told my team one time and I think it pretty much sums up the 3 months and well, my whole life:

“God is the Great Archer and we are the arrows. First, we go through the making, the refining and polishing process. It hurts. But he makes us exactly how He wants us. Then it’s quiver time. The quiver is the case on The Archers back that holds the arrows. Holds us. It’s a time of darkness, waiting and obscurity. When will I be chosen? How long do I have to wait in the dark? And then suddenly, His hand picks an arrow, picks you, and now you’re full of adrenaline where will He send me? Feelings of excitement. You’ve finally been picked out of the waiting- The Archer places the arrow in the resting spot of the bow. You’re ready when suddenly you go back. Yes, back. He pulls the arrow back to what is called the “anchor point” or “breaking point” this is the time where the arrow is pulled back and it touches The Archers cheek. You are now seeing the perspective of The Archer. You are now understanding why you had to go backwards before you could go forward. You had to be broken before you could be sent. You are aligned with his vision. You are in the most intimate place. You’re touching His cheek. You’re next to His eye. You’re seeing what He has seen the whole time. You see the bullseye. You feel His grip and release- you go flying. Fully equipped, fully ready, aware of Who made you.”

The Dead Sea from Ein Gedi
Sea of Galilee with my team
From left: Susanna, Ryan, myself, Debbie, Biggi, Tsachi, David and Josh 🙂 forever family est. 2017 in a prayer room in Jerusalem, Israel… Whoa.
Processed with VSCO with j2 preset
Boaz and Ruths land *crying*
Tel Aviv, Israel – The Mediterranean Sea
“We’re all just walking each other home.”


Gloria Ann


Thank you for taking the time to read this. For loving, supporting, and praying for me during every season that God is walking me through. If you would like to partner with me during this upcoming year there are a few ways you can:

It will be approximately $800 a month while living on base in France. That is including: housing, food, travel etc.

1. Monthly Financial Partners – You can give an amount of your choice monthly for the yea

2. One-time Donation Partners – You can give a one time donation to help support me in whatever area you feel led.

3. Prayer/ Intercession Partners – This group is interested in being a part of what I am doing and joining with me in prayer for His Kingdom to come and will be done! This group is by far the most important because without a team of warriors behind me it can be hard to be in ministry. Being covered in prayers is the most important gift I could ask for from you!

4. Email list – Just want to hear more about what I am doing? I can add you to my email list where you will receive a personal updates during my ministry time in France

If you would like to become a ministry partner on any level please contact me and let me know. My biggest need currently is for monthly financial partnership, so if this is a possible option for you and you feel God leading you to give I encourage you to choose this option!

I am home until August 16th and would love to have coffee, tacos or both and share my heart with you. If you would be interested message me 🙂

Continue reading “Intimacy with The Archer”

Only The Beginning


Dear friends and family,

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, support and prayers these past few weeks. I have officially been in Costa Rica for 25 days! Yeeeee! I’m living the life of a Tica (What the people who were born in Costa Rica are called) and loving it. The past few weeks have had their ups and downs. I’m learning the true meaning of vulnerbility and how much freedom comes with that. I’m learning about community, culture and being loved by strangers that have now become my family. I’m learning to wake up before the sun does and see Jesus.. In the chaos and in the calm. The Lord has been showing his endless love and grace and protection on my life. But what’s new? Continue reading “Only The Beginning”


It’s happening (again) by grace and patience and lots, I mean LOTS of prayer. I will be going to Costa Rica for about 6 months for YWAM in a couple of months! My heart is overwhelmed and I’m still in shock about it all. When plans fell through to go last year I had pretty much given up and become ok and comfortable (Jesus didn’t call me to be comfortable!!!) but I had a tug— the Holy Spirit pressing in my heart “go go go!” And now I’m going. Peace holds my heart now and I’m ready. I’m thankful for my community of people that have stood beside me and encouraged me the whole way. Most of all, I’m thankful for my Heavenly Father who has never given up on me, who has loved me unconditionally and given me grace on grace on GRACE. Here’s to a new season! More info coming soon!!!!

Check out this video to learn more information about YWAM!

Love, Gloria Ann